18 June 2024

6th ETV FORUM entitled “New contexts, partnerships and pathways for market acceptance and recognition of Environmental Technology Verification as a catalyst of green transformation”

We are honored and pleased to invite you to participate in the 6th ETV FORUM entitled “New contexts, partnerships and pathways for market acceptance and recognition of Environmental Technology Verification as a catalyst of green transformation” which will take place on June 18, 2024, at the ADN Conference Center in Warsaw.

The upcoming event is already the sixth edition in a series of initiatives dedicated to ETV, where we discuss the commercialisation of innovative environmental technologies, reducing the risk of investment in green technologies, and opportunities for collaboration in utilising the verification system to achieve green transformation goals and build Europe’s competitive position in the global market. The 6th ETV Forum is also the concluding event of the LIFEproETV project.

The main theme of the 6th Forum will be the role of new contexts and partnerships in promoting the green transformation and the pathways that can lead to broad market acceptance and recognition of innovative technologies. During the meeting, case studies and inspiring examples of practical use of ETV as a support tool for green taxonomy, ESG reporting, public procurement, circular economy, and achieving climate neutrality will be presented.

The event is aimed at producers and suppliers of innovative environmental technologies, organisations supporting entrepreneurs, ESG and taxonomy experts, industry representatives, scientists, public administration, institutions financing green innovations, and all those interested in sustainable development and green innovations.


09:00 – 10:00 Session I: Opening Session
09:00 – 09:15 Welcome speech | Opening remarks
Izabela Ratman-Kłosińska, Project Coordinator LIFEproETV
Marta Pogrzeba, Director of the Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas (IETU)
Krystian Szcepański, Director of the Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute (IOŚ-PIB)
09:15 – 09:30 General presentation of the LIFE programme and of the close top market services
Piedad Rivas, European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA)
09:30 – 09:45 New contexts and market/industry expectations for innovative technologies with reduced environmental impacts
Alicia Santaolalla Solórzano, Head of technology roadmap and technology watch Spain, VEOLIA
09:45 – 10:00 The role of standards in driving green innovations
Sebastian Vogel, Project Manager at CEN and CENELEC
10:00 – 11:55 Session II: Satisfying performance demonstration needs of green innovations in new contexts
10:00 – 10:15 Insights on challenges from stakeholders
10:15 – 11:45 Discussion panel: Expectations and challenges: the role of third-party validation in avoiding greenwashing and mitigating risk
Laura Cutaia, Researcher, Italian Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform
Zygmunt Krasiński, President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology
Justyna Dziewota-Jabłońska, Business Development Manager, Symbiona
Besim Hoxha, International Relations Manager, Investeko
Alicia Santaolalla Solórzano, Head of technology roadmap and technology watch Spain, VEOLIA
Przemysław Ruchlicki, Deputy Director at Economic Policy Office, The National Chamber of Commerce
12:00 – 12:15 Coffee break
12:15 – 13:25 Session III: Decoding the ISO 14034 ETV scheme
12:15 – 12:30 Validation of ISO 14034 ETV as a scheme tailored to satisfy information needs of building an offer of green innovations for a green change
Izabela Ratman-Kłosińska, Project Coordinator LIFEproETV
12:30 – 12:45 What makes ETV different? Which gap does ETV fill?
Other environmental schemes, what they cover and what info needs they satisfy and the positioning of ETV in this landscape.
Katalin Herner, KOVET
Albert Serra Compte, Cetaqua Barcelona
12:45 – 13:30 Success stories with a focus on the difference provided by ETV in addressing client’s need and other schemes
Montserrat Batlle, Innovation Specialist, ADASA
Torben Krejberg, Technical Director, Mosbaek
Andrea Llewelyn Benedetti, Chief Sales Officer, HBI Group
13:40 – 14:30 Lunch break
14:30 – 16:15 Session IV: Building collaborative partnerships for ISO 14034 ETV market adoption
14:30 – 16:00 LIFEproETV case studies: ISO ETV use cases:
Poland: ETV in the context of Green Taxonomy – Izabela Ratman-Kłosińska, IETU
Italy: ETV in the context of Circular Economy – Emanuela De Marco, ENEA
Spain: ETV for innovations in the water sector – Albert Serra Compte, CETAQUA
Hungary: ETV to support companies in bridging green innovations to the market – Katalin Herner, KOVET
Slovenia: ETV in support of circularity of the construction sector/decarbonisation – Alenka Mauko-Pranjić, ZAG
Denmark: ETV in gren innovations for agriculture – Peter Fritzel, ETA-Denmark
16:00 – 16:15 Canadian Stormwater Environmental Technology Verification (SETV) Project
Christy Graham, Program Manager, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
16:15 – 16:30 Environmental Technology Verification in Carbon Utilization & Removal. Existing Roles and New Pathways for ETV to Support a Low-Carbon Future
Tim Hansen, 350Solutions
16:30 – 16:45 Recap of key insights and takeaways
Izabela Ratman-Kłosińska, Project Coordinator LIFEproETV
16:45 – 18:30 Networking and Reception

Why is it worth participating?

  • Learn about the benefits of implementing the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) system based on the ISO 14034 standard: Discover how this standard can accelerate the green transformation through innovation.
  • Exchange experiences: Meet industry experts, representatives of scientific and business institutions, and other professionals interested in sustainable development.
  • Practical solutions: See how companies and organisations effectively implement environmental technologies to achieve sustainable development goals.

Participation in the conference is possible both in-person and online. Due to the limited number of places, please register in advance via the form available on the website by June 13, 2024. The meeting will be conducted in English.

We look forward to your presence and active participation in the conference!

The forum is organised by the Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute and the Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas, in connection with the implementation of the LIFEproETV project, i.e., “Promotion and implementation of ETV as a voluntary system for verifying the performance of environmental technologies,” funded by the European Union, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary.

Takeaways of the 6th ETV Forum

The 6th ETV FORUM event focused on new contexts, partnerships and pathways for market acceptance and recognition of ETV as a catalyst of green transformation. The Forum marked also the conclusion of the LIFEproETV project, highlighting its importance in the series of initiatives dedicated to ETV including the 5 promotion campaigns implemented in Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Spain and Italy.

As the main theme revolved around new contexts partnerships and pathways that can facilitate the market uptake and recognition of ETV here are some key takeaways:

New engaging contexts for ETV are :

  • demonstrating compliance with the technical screening criteria under the EU green taxonomy and ESG reporting,
  • revised Industrial Emissions Directive and its forward-looking perspective,
  • circular economy policies implementation at the national level engaging innovation and SMEs,
  • proving performance of new, emerging technical solutions aimed at decarbonisation of industry and value chains e.g. in the construction sector as well as in the,
  • technology-specific schemes based on ISO 14034 aimed at measurement and verification of performance for specific sectors/purposes e.g. in the water sector.

Strategic partnerships for ETV are:

  • partnership with large industries running their own technology scouting programmes where ETV could foster identification and derisking of green innovations;
  • partnerships with national/regional stakeholders platforms and clusters where an environmental challenge led innovations development and deployment are core activities;
  • partnerships with the public sector e.g. utilities/cities where new environmental technologies are demanded to address adaptation to climate change;
  • partnership with investors to recognise and utilise ETV as a derisking tool.

Targeted pathways for ETV are:

  • alignment with other standards related to circular economy, environmental management, green financing and performance-based standardisation;
  • recognition of ETV and ETV verifiers under certification schemes dedicated to decarbonisation,
  • adding additional parameters to ETV Statements relevant to stakeholders such as carbon footprint, and water footprint to increase the utility of ETV and the information it provides to different market actors,

including ETV as an eligible cost in funding schemes dedicated to the development and demonstration of new environmental technologies like LIFE Close2Market, Horizon Europe or national funding schemes for greening enterprises, technologies acceleration.

25 April 2024

Supporting ISO 14034 ETV capacity building: Towards establishing a common approach to accreditation of verifiers


In November 2022 when the European Commission suspended the EU Environmental Technology Verification Programme with the consequence that the EU General Verification Protocol (EU GVP) which defined the principles, process, procedures and requirements of the ETV Programme together with accompanying guidance documents provided by the EU ETV Programme Technical Working Groups are no longer valid. In the absence of the EU GVP, the ETV scheme is currently operating in principle based on two standards: ISO/IEC 17020 and ISO 14034.

Despite a harmonized and internationally recognised approach which both standards provide for the accreditation of verifiers (verification bodies) in terms of organisation, quality system as well as impartiality requirements and verification procedures, there are some gaps left which are specific to ETV but are not covered by both standards or require additional guidance. It pertains in particular to the areas which were managed by the programme operator for example to the definition of technology areas, common definition, use and guidance of the ETV products (application form, verification plan, verification report and statement). The Working Group ISO/TC207/SC4/WG5 has initiated works towards development of a technical specification (ISO 14035) to partially develop additional guidance for the verification bodies at global level which could also facilitate accreditation requirements, the works however are currently not processing due to organisational issues.

Despite the termination of the EU ETV Programme, the LIFEproETV project indicated new opportunities for ETV as a market driven scheme which may lead to a demand for establishing new verification bodies in the countries that have not participated in the EU ETV Programme and where the national accreditation bodies (NABs) do not have experience with ETV. Also lack of a common reference provided by the EU GVP may cause issues both to the existing verification bodies and relevant NABs  e.g. in the case of expanding their accreditation scope.

Considering the current situation, the LIFEproETV project with the support of EAIC undertakes the effort to work out together with the national accreditation bodies a guidance document supporting a harmonized accreditation processes of the verification bodies. The guidance document will capitalise on the EU ETV Programme experiences,  the EU GVP and both ISO standards applicable to ETV.

By elaborating such document we envisage that the processes of accreditation of new verification bodies and surveillance processes of the existing ones will be less challenging for both NABs as well as operational and potential new verification bodies.

The objectives of the workshop are:

  • present and discuss ISO 14034 together with the information and requirement gaps not covered by the standard that were provided by the EU GVP;
  • discuss the challenges for accreditation bodies and verification bodies emerging from these gaps and the absence of the EU ETV programme;
  • reach consensus on the proposal of the guidance document to support accreditation bodies in the accreditation process.

Target Audience:

  • Verification Bodies
  • Representatives of National Accreditation Bodies (NABs),

Working Language: English

The workshop is organised as an on-line event on Teams platform under the LIFEproETV project with the support of EAIC.

Link to participate in the  on-line event:

15 February 2024

How can a company improve its sustainability by using ETV?

The Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG) is organizing this Thursday, 15 February 2024, between 9.30 and 12.30, workshop entitled “How can a company improve its sustainability by using ETV?”. It will focus on the use of the Environmental Technology Verification Scheme (ETV) (SIST EN ISO 14034:2019), which has been present in Europe and around the world for several decades but is currently one of the lesser-known methods for verifying innovative technologies in Slovenia.

Who is the workshop for?

  • Environmental engineers in companies,
  • Environmental consultancies,
  • Investors and Contracting Authorities (including public procurers),
  • Legislators,
  • Marketers,
  • etc.

Applications are mandatory and are collected via form. The workshop is free and will be held in English.

Join the presentations and discussions!

Workshop report: [PDF]

4 December 2023

Roundtable on “Investing in eco-innovation in the context of ESG and green taxonomy”

Are ESG and taxonomy a driver of eco-innovation market development? Will ESG induce companies to take innovative actions and implement new technologies improving their environmental performance? What are the financial and non-financial barriers to implementing eco-innovation in Poland? What are the expectations of buyers and financiers of new technologies? Do we have a proven offering in Poland that meets these requirements? What should it contain in the context of legal requirements and financing of eco-innovation to be competitive and credible for buyers?

Among other things, we tried to get answers to these questions during a roundtable organized under the LIFEproETV project, which took place on December 4, 2023 in Warsaw during the ESG Congress “Poland’s Business Power”. Participants of the event included manufacturers and suppliers of innovative environmental technologies, representatives of institutions financing green investments, organizations supporting entrepreneurs, ESG and taxonomy experts.

Participants at the meeting unanimously acknowledged that the launch, financing and diffusion of innovative environmental technologies entails significantly higher risks than for technologies already on the market. Nevertheless, the European Union’s ambitious decarbonization targets, the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2020 on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment, or so-called taxonomy, and the new and expanded reporting and disclosure obligations related to ESG data imposed on businesses by the CSRD Directive and the ESRS Standards, provide a new context for investment in green innovation. What is this context?.

  • Standardized criteria for defining environmentally sustainable ventures
  • Credibility and transparency in communicating the environmental benefits of green innovations
  • Guidance for investors
  • Mitigation of the risks of green innovations
  • Standardization of the green innovation market
  • Stimulation of the market for green innovations
  • Measurement of positive environmental impact
  • Distinguish and increase market competitiveness
  • Encouraging the implementation of green innovations for transitional activities

What role ETV (environmental technology verification) could play in this process?

ETV involves demonstrating in an unbiased and credible manner that environmental technology effect claims made by suppliers are true and based on reliable test data obtained under quality-controlled conditions. In this way, manufacturers and suppliers can prove the effect of their green innovation, buyers can identify innovative environmental technologies and reduce the risks associated with their purchase, while financing institutions and licensing authorities have a basis for issuing relevant decisions.

The meeting was organized by the Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute and the Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas, as a part of the ETV promotion campaign implemented the framework of the LIFEproETV project, i.e. “Promotion and implementation of ETV as a voluntary system to verify the effect of environmental technologies”. The project is co-financed by the European Union and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

23 November 2022

ETV as a tool for internalizing the performance of green innovations in the environmental footprint of products and organizations

Conventional technologies may turn out to be ineffective in achieving the ambitious goal of Europe’s climate neutrality by 2050. Also, growing public concern about the natural
environment is rapidly transforming the competitive landscape and forcing companies to adopt green innovation strategies. These strategies involve greening the performance of
products and organizations. Verified technologies can help organizations adapt through objective, third party measurement that declares the environmentally added value as
opposed to competitors on the market.

During the workshop you can find out about how ETV can support the implementation and maintenance of certification in other voluntary environmental schemes like EMAS, EPD and Ecolabel.

Date: 23 November, 14:00 CET time

Venue: On-line

The objectives of the webinar are to:

  • Highlight the links among the different environmental schemes, like ETV, EMAS, EPD and Eco-labelling
  • Provide information on how ETV can contribute to the environmental performance of companies certified in other schemes
  • Improve the recognition and market position of the ETV scheme

Target Audience:

  • Owners of schemes,
  • Testing/certification bodies,
  • Certified organizations (EMAS, ISO 14001) organizations with certified products (EPD, Ecolabels)
  • Organizations planning to get their technologies verified or products certified
  • Providers of innovative green technologies with applications for facilitating environmental performance
  • Technology buyers applying innovative technologies to improve their environmental performance

Agenda: [PDF]



14:00 – 14:20 How can ETV support the implementation and maintenance of certification in other voluntary environmental schemes?
Izabela Ratman-Klosinska – project coordinator, LIFEproETV
Presentation 1 [PDF]
Presentation 2 [PDF]
14:20 – 14:35 The expanding EPD world: a source and sink of information about environmental performance,
Mr Balázs Sára, EPD Expert, Independent Auditor
Presentation [PDF]
14:35 – 14:50 Lifecycle based, certified environmental information by independent ecolabels – only to the best products,
Mr Björn-Erik Lönn, Chair of Board, Global Ecolabelling Network
Presentation [PDF]
14:50 – 15:05 Premium Environmental Management with EMAS,
Mr Lennart Schleicher, President, Association for Sustainability and Environmental Management
Presentation [PDF]
15:05 – 15:30 Questions and answers, discussion, wrap-up

Working Language: English

The workshop was organised under the www.LIFEproETV project

Event Recording:

1 June 2022

5th ETV Stakeholder Forum: De-risking the adoption of green technologies for a sustainable industrial transition


Environmental Technology Verification Scheme (ETV) is a voluntary ISO 14034 standardized environmental management scheme. The scheme provides a process for an impartial, credible performance verification of a market-ready environmental technology through the evaluation of quality assured test data.

The overall goal of the ETV scheme is to make objective performance information about environmental technologies available to all of the actors in the environmental marketplace: potential buyers, technology providers, permitting/regulatory bodies, investors and other stakeholders for their consideration and decision making on what they are buying, permitting or put money into.

Performance assessment and verification of new environmental technologies by ETV should be useful especially to:

  • Buyers and users of technology, and the consulting engineering community that advises them, who need an objective source of technology performance data to make informed purchasing decisions.
  • Providers and developers of technology who want to market their products at a level playing field of objectively acquired technology performance data .
  • Permitting and regulatory bodies at the EU and Member State/regional / local level who must make decisions on which technologies to allow into use.
  • Capital providers who must determine the level of risk involved in supporting innovative technology developers and green-tech investments.
  • Funding bodies who provide innovation support programmes dedicated to environmental technologies that seek ways to maximise the market impact of their subsidies

Following a successful pilot stage, the ETV scheme is now implemented by the European Commission with the support of the  European Institute of Innovation and Technology as a full-fledged EU Environmental Technology Verification Programme including 7 technology areas and an EU-wide geographical scope.

The 5# ETV Stakeholder Forum :  a common goal and a forum for a solution-oriented dialogue

Our ultimate goal for this Forum is to facilitate mainstreaming ETV as a tool de-risking market adoption of new environmental technologies for a sustainable industrial transition to ensure that the environment, the economy, and the marketplace benefit from green technological innovations with proven performance.

To achieve this goal, our ETV Stakeholder Forum has the following objectives :

  • Inform stakeholders interested in the development and market uptake of environmental technologies of the benefits and process of technology verification under ETV;
  • Provide a bridge and enter into a collaborative dialogue between stakeholders interested in technology verification and actors of the EU ETV scheme;
  • Inspire the stakeholders to initiate similar dialogues at Member State level or regional level to establish national frameworks facilitating the use of the EU ETV scheme
  • Establish an EU ETV Stakeholder Community to continue the dialogue and co-create the future of the EU ETV Programme

Accomplishing these objectives will allow us to lay a solid groundwork for the future of the ETV scheme and build its synergies with sustainable transition efforts at EU and national level.

Our Forum aims to bring together EU and national stakeholders and experts dealing with environmental policies, research and innovation, certification and standardization, green-tech financing, compliance, regulation & permitting bodies, procurement officers, consulting engineering companies recommending technology alternatives to purchasers, business support organisations and finally technology users and providers to discuss the following topics:

  • Environmental technologies for the EU Green Deal
  • Bridging the commercialization gap of new environmental technologies:
  • De-risking green-tech investments
  • Building collaborative stakeholder frameworks for ETV: the way forward

The Forum is organised by the LIFEproETV project in collaboration with the European Commission and ETV Secretariat within the context of EU Green Week (2022 Partner events). It is the 5th from the series of the EU-level events dedicated to ETV.

Venue: EIT House – 7 Rue Guimard, 1040, Brussels, Belgium



09:00 – 09:30 Welcome coffee
09:30 – 10:00 Welcome session
Welcome by LIFEproETV Coordinator,
(short introduction about LIFEproETV and the event, housekeeping rules, presentation of agenda and speakers)
I. Ratman-Kłosińska – Project LIFEproETV Coordinator, Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas
Presentation [PDF]
Keynote presentation
The Challenge Of Pursuing Sustainable Technological Change Under The EU Green Deal
Emmanuelle Maire – Head of Unit, Circular Economy Sustainable Production and Consumption, DG Environment, European Commission
Presentation [PDF]
10:00 – 11:30 Panel session 1 – Environmental technologies for the EU Green Deal Details and Panelists Pierre Henry, DG Env., EC

Presentation [PDF]

11:30 – 11:45 Coffee break
11:45 – 13:15 Panel session 2 – Bridging the commercialization gap of new environmental technologies Details and Panelists Garbiñe Manterola Agirrezabalaga, BRTA

Presentation [PDF]

13:15 – 13:45 Lunch break
13:45 – 15:15 Panel session 3 – Derisking investments in green-tech Details and Panelists Michał Lasocki, EEC Ventures

Presentation [PDF]

15:15 – 16:30 Panel session 4 – Building collaborative stakeholders frameworks for ETV: the way forward Details and Panelists Estelle Ellizagoien, DG Env., EC
Presentation [PDF]Izabela Ratman-Kłosińska – LIFEproETV
Presentation [PDF]

Working Language: English

The workshop is organised under the www.LIFEproETV project with the support of the ETV secretariat

Event registration link: Registration

General Information Clause on Personal Data Protection in PDF file

22 March 2022

WEBINAR: Let’s talk about ETV as a tool for green innovations in public tenders

How to secure the purchase of innovative environmental technologies in Green Public Procurement and Innovation Procurement ?

Public procurement is a major driver for the achievement of climate and environmental goals set in national and European policies. Cities and territories have strong incentives to invest in innovative green solutions for sustainable development, but do not have access to clear and verifiable criteria which allow them to incorporate environmental considerations into their tendering while complying with the requirements of European Directives and national public procurement regulations. It applies both to green public procurement and public procurement of innovation.

In this context we want to present the Environmental Technology Verification scheme and how it can aid green public procurement and innovation procurement throughout the procurement stages (from the definition of technical and environmental specifications to the evaluation of contract performance). We will focus on how the ETC scheme can be integrated in the innovation procurement process and how to integrate environmental criteria into the procurement practices and the methods of demonstrating and proving compliance concerning technical and environmental performance of innovative technologies with green claims.

The webinar will also explain to developers and suppliers of innovative environmental technologies how ETV can bring them a competitive advantage.

Target Audience:

  • Public procurers: enterprises, authorities, public utility services with ambitions to purchase sustainable and innovative products, technologies and services either through green public procurement or innovation procurement,
  • Policy makers and authorities responsible for EU, national, regional procurement plans and strategies,
  • Providers of innovative environmental solutions for waste treatment, recycling and recovery, water management, treatment and monitoring, circular economy, production of alternative energies, air pollution abatement, cleaner production processes, soil and groundwater remediation, agriculture,
  • Operators of innovation support programmes including PCP and PPI,
  • Business support organisations and consulting companies working with innovators and/or supporting public procurers in development of the tendering documentation, technical specifications etc.

Working Language: English

The workshop is organised under the www.LIFEproETV project with the support of the ETV secretariat and co-hosted by the European Assistance For Innovation Procurement initiative.

Event registration link: Registration

Agenda: PDF

Recording of the webinar:

Take-away points on our webinar “Let’s talk about ETV as a tool for green innovations in public tenders”

Green Public Procurements and Innovative Procurements are powerful levers for achieving climate and environmental objectives set in national and European policies by public sector  . Achieving these objectives requires  deployment of greener and more efficient innovative technologies which often have little or no feedback on their previous application and performance confirmed in practice.. Public purchasers are therefore faced with two major problems: how to integrate environmental criteria into this type of purchase, and how to secure the purchase of innovations with no or limited feedback.

Public purchasers are supported in this approach by European GPP guides which define environmental criteria for more than 20 types of purchase, and by European structures such as ICLEI and EAFIP which support local authorities in their green purchasing and innovation purchasing, and promote the dissemination of good practices in these areas.

The procedures covering Innovative Procurements (Pre-Commercial Procurements and Public Procurements of Innovative Solution) require extensive knowledge and skills from buyers. They have been detailed step by step during the seminar with an indication how ETV could  support them. Assistance to public buyers willing to implement ETV in PCP was proposed by EAFIP.

The National Centre for Research and Development in Poland presented 9 ambitious PCP projects related to environmental technologies, and emphasized the role of Innovative Procurements, more specifically PCP, to pull innovation to meet Green Deal objectives.

The integration of environmental considerations into procurements, which remains a voluntary approach in most countries, is most often implemented through the use eco-labels, covering a limited range of products, and the life cycle cost approach, which is difficult to implement. Buyers therefore need practical tools for certain types of procurement not covered by GPP, including purchase of environmental technologies.

The national strategy adopted by Italy, which has been imposing the use of minimum environmental criteria in public procurement for several years, was presented with a practical application at national level in the Municipality of Pesaro in Italy. The presentations showed that making environmental criteria obligatory in procurement level leads to effective greener purchases.

Referring to legal aspects of GPP, the verification bodies, that deliver the ETV Statements of Verification, fulfil the definition of a “conformity assessment body” in accordance with the European regulation, since they are accredited for compliance to ISO 17020 for type A inspection bodies. Therefore, EU ETV Statements of Verification meet the criteria of third-party certificates of an ‘conformity assessment body’, and thus may serve as means of proof with technical/environmental specifications in public tenders. Another important characteristic of the Statements of Verification is that they can be used as an equivalent to ecolabels (multi-criteria analysis, compliance checks by independent qualified certifiers, Life-Cycle Approach), in particular to Ecolabels Type I. Consequently, the ETV scheme can be used to check the conformity of performance to the specifications, both technical and environmental, and can be considered as real tool to secure the purchase of green innovative technologies.

The potential of ETV in PP was illustrated by two use cases: the use of ETV by the municipality of Monaco in the context of the renewal of its municipal waste and treatment facilities highlighted its interest for IP (PCP), and the example of the Ministry of Quebec for water storm management systems illustrated how ETV can be used to help public buyers in green procurements. These use cases are presented in 3 short videos (see links below).

The potential link between GPP and the criteria of green Taxonomy or sustainable financing will be will be developed in a dedicated webinar.

The interactive part of the webinar was organized around a list of statements which have been prepared as a result of the analysis conducted during the project activities. Each of the statements have been subjected to a survey among participants of the webinar with the aim to validate the findings of the project activities related to GPP/IP and ETV connections. All the statements have been assessed as “strongly agree/agree” during the voting session, which has confirmed the abovementioned findings. According to this result, the statements will be the basis for the recommendations of the policy briefs which will be finalized after the webinar.

Speakers (confirmed):

  • Mark Hidson,  Deputy Regional Director, Global Director of ICLEI’s Sustainable Procurement Capacity Centre
  • [presentation] – Stephan Corvers, Corvers Procurement Services b.v., Contractor for the European Assistance For Innovation Procurement initiative
  • [presentation] – Margherita Finamore, project manager, Public Works Department, Municipality of Pesaro (Italy)
  • [presentation 1, presentation 2] – Jacques Méhu, EU ETV Technical Working Group, contractor for INSAVALOR
  • [presentation] – Cendrine Dubuisson, project manager of the LIFEProETV project for INSAVALOR,
  • [presentation] – Izabela Ratman-Kłosińska, LIFEproETV Coordinator, Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas
  • Rovena Preka, ENEA- Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Department for Sustainability
  • [presentation] – Cristina Peretti, Italian Ministry of the Ecological Transition
  • [presentation] – Katarzyna Lenart, National Centre for Research and Development, Department for Development of Innovative Project Management Methods, Poland


  • Video 1 – Principality of Monaco: New Waste Treatment Center [Video]
  • Video 2 – On Site Assessment of Performances – Monaco ETV use case, Part 2 [Video]
  • Video 3 – Feedback from Canada: Use of ETV for the purchase of stormwater management solutions in Quebec [Video]

General Information Clause on Personal Data Protection in PDF file

17 February 2022

WEBINAR: Let’s talk about ETV as a tool to foster circular economy value chains and business models

Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP 2.0) brings opportunities at business level encouraging new business models leading to substantial material savings throughout value chains making them more resilient and building industrial symbiosis collaborations. Innovative environmental technologies play a substantial role in helping companies transform their business models and value chains into inclusive and circular faster and more efficiently. The EU policies and initiatives under the CEAP such as Green Claims Initiative, Sustainable Products Initiative or the revision of the Ecodesign directive supported by sectoral level policies provide an additional impulse to businesses to look for more friendly alternatives.

However, in order to leverage new technologies and materials enabling to design waste and pollution out of the value chains and keep products a materials in use, companies demand comparable and verifiable information on their performance and the associated environmental impacts to be sure that their investment decisions are sustainable and will create a positive economic, environmental and social value.

Also, due to the fact that many circular economy business models depend on regional and even local economies, it is important to reflect on the role of such instruments as regional/local circular economy action plans and smart specialisation (S3) in facilitating the uptake of innovations for the circular economy transitions in EU regions.

In that context, we want to present the Environmental Technology Verification scheme and discuss its utility to bridge the transformation of industrial ecosystems towards circularity with the innovation ecosystem and the objectives of CEAP.

The objectives of the webinar are :

  • Raise awareness about ETV among EU, national and regional policy makers as a tool to accelerate innovations for circular economy business models, value chains and industrial symbiosis,
  • Discuss with businesses the challenges in adopting technical innovations to become more circular and ways of overcoming them,
  • Discuss with policy makers and industries how to mainstream ETV in EU, national and regional policies, strategies and tools taking into account:
    • the potential of ETV to deliver credible data on the performance of new environmental technologies to meet the business needs for recycling, reuse, segregation, recovery of resources, increase the recycled content or remanufacturing in industrial processes production and use new secondary resource based materials as well as design of new products
    • if and how ETV could contribute to a standard methodology for assessing the impacts of products, organisations and value chains on the environment like OEF/PEF indicated in CE policies related to green claims?
    • if and how ETV may support setting out sustainability principles and specific requirements linked to environmental aspects foreseen in the revision of the Ecodesign directive?
    • the objective of ETV to foster market uptake of green early market products with innovation and how it fits into the innovation ecosystems for circular economy at national/regional level,
  • Discuss the implications for the ETV Programme resulting from linking ETV as a policy support tool to facilitate the shift from linear to circular businesses.

Target Audience:

  • Policy makers, authorities and experts involved in the implementation of the Circular Economy Action Plan and related policies and regulations at EU, national and regional level,
  • Providers of innovative green technologies with applications for facilitating circular economy,
  • Industrial associations of sectors addressed in circular economy: textiles, plastics, construction, waste management and processing sector,
  • Experts participating in the revision of the Ecodesign directive.

Working Language: English

The workshop is organised under the www.LIFEproETV project with the support of the ETV secretariat and co-hosted by European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform.

Recording of the webinar:

Event registration link: Registration

Event Agenda: PDF

Take-away points on our webinar “Let’s talk about ETV as a tool to foster circular economy value chains and business models”:

There is a strong interest and an urgent need to build effective ecosystems involving local, regional and European level stakleholders to foster the transition towards circular economy. ETV as a tool to help companies promote and market their green technologies with applications helping foster circular economy value chains and business models could become an important element of this ecosystem.

ETV turns out to be a particularly useful tool for SMEs and startups aiming to bring a novel environmental technology that would help design waste and pollution out from value chains or create new business opportunities based on circular economy approaches with the use on new processes and materials facilitating recycling, resource recovery, uptake of secondary raw materials to replace virgin materials etc.

Already now, ETV is a part of the agenda of the largest innovation ecosystem by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and the Knowledge and Innovation Communities. SMEs and startups offering innovations for circularity are supported in their ETV efforts through joint calls where ETV is an eligible cost. Through this support, SMEs and startups are able to provide to the market innovations with proven performance and minimise thus the risk of  market failure

Pan-European Initiatives like the European Circular Economy Stakeholders Platform are the right forum to give visibility to ETV as a part of the framework currently build to ensure that the green innovations are safe, circular and sustainable.

New regulatory frameworks are needed for accelerating the circularity in the construction industry, one of the circular economy target sectors. They need to consider design principles for reconstruction so as to eliminate waste from construction processes from the very beginning. Climate-targeted certification schemes like #ETV help satisfy this demand .

The EU Green Claims initiative aims to eliminate greenwashing and ensure understanding of the  variety of  environmental labels and information provided by them. In that context DG Environments sustains a strong interest in ETV as a scheme providing credible and verified information about the performance of environmental technologies as a basis of informative decision making by technology buyers .

ETV may also provide data for designers of sustainable products and processes delivering data on technologies,products and processes helping reduce the overall environmental impact already at the design stage.

Speakers (presentation files in PDF):

  • [presentation] – Izabela Ratman-Kłosińska, LIFEproETV Coordinator, Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas
  • [presentation] – Romana Jordan, European Institute of Innovation and Technology GB Government Board Member and Advisor to the Director of Jožef Stefan Institute
  • [presentation] – Norbert Pralle, Head of Innovation Management, Zentrale Technik, Ed. ZÜBLIN AG and Chairman of European Network of Construction Companies for Research and Development (ENCORD)
  • [presentation] – Małgorzata Greszta – Managing Partner at CSR Consulting
  • [presentation] – Martin Pecanka, ETV Secretariat, LGI Sustainable Innovation
  • [presentation] – Ignacio Calleja, Thematic Officer for Circular Economy and Recycling at EIT RawMaterials
  • [presentation] – Ladeja Godina Košir, Founder & Director of Circular Change and Chair of European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP)
  • [presentation] – Emmanuelle Maire, Head of Unit, Circular Economy, Sustainable Production & Consumption, DG Environment
  • [presentation] – Valentina Costa, Emilia-Romagna, Region, Directorate General for Environment and Territory
  • [presentation] – Rovena Preka, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Department for Sustainability
  • [presentation] – Mitja Mori – Assistant professor at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana

General Information Clause on Personal Data Protection in PDF file

3 February 2022

WEBINAR: Let’s talk about ETV as a tool for accelerating innovations for sustainable industrial processes

European Commission plans to present the proposal of  the revised Industrial Emission Directive (IED) in spring 2022. The review of the directive aimed to support the European Green Deal goals on zero pollution, climate neutrality, promoting innovation and a cleaner, more circular economy. Together with the Zero Pollution Action Plan, the revised IED will continue to be a crucial driver to push industrial processes towards adoption of new, more eco-friendly solutions. Currently, the uptake of innovations for derivation of Best Available Techniques (BAT) as well as identification of Emerging Techniques (ET) in the IED regulated industrial sectors remains a challenge. The revision of the IED is to change it with improving a forward looking approach to BAT in order to stimulate innovation and making the Directive more aligned with the rapid deployment of innovative technologies contributing to reduction of industrial emissions (including GHGs) , safer use of chemicals, resource efficiency or the circular economy. Beside shortening the BREFs cycle, the new approach proposed for the revised IED indicates application of measures facilitating the feed of credible information on the performance of new techniques with a potential to be recognised in BREFs. It refers to sufficiently advanced innovations that have either already been used commercially  or are close to commercialisation to be considered as e.g. ET or BATs after positive opinion of pertinent Technical Working Group. Proper recognition and identification of an innovative technique either as BAT or ET may significantly increase its applicability and diffusion. Moreover, the revised IED  aims to facilitate development and testing of emerging and breakthrough techniques as well as allow more time to achieve ambitious associated performance levels instead of (less strict) levels associated with BATs. In that context, we want to present the Environmental Technology Verification scheme and discuss its utility as data provider on technology performance for the need of making IED more fit and supportive for innovations.

The objectives of the webinar are :

  • Raise awareness about ETV among national policy makers as a tool to accelerate innovations for sustainable industrial processes,
  • Discuss with policy makers and industries how to mainstream ETV in the Industrial Emission Directive as well as EU, national/regional environment and climate related policies and regulations supporting Zero Pollution Action Plan taking into account the potential of ETV to:
    • deliver quality assured data on the performance of innovative environmental technologies to trigger BREFs ,
    • facilitate development and testing of Emerging Techniques using a robust and ISO standardised approach;
  • Discuss the opportunities and pathways enabling recognition of ETV verified technologies in BAT conclusions as Best Available Techniques or Emerging Techniques ;
  • Discuss the implications for the EU ETV Programme resulting from linking the ETV scheme as a policy support for IED and the Zero Pollution Action Plan

Target Audience:

  • Policy makers and experts involved in IED revision process, BREFs development, implementation of the Zero Pollution Action Plan and relevant EU and national legislation
  • Developers and providers of innovative green technologies with applications for industrial processes ,
  • Representatives of operators, industrial associations of sectors regulated under Industrial Emission Directives
  • European, national, and regional authorities responsible for implementation of policies relevant for IED, and under the Zero Pollution Action Plan
  • Experts participating in the Technical Working Groups for BREFs development

Working Language: English

The workshop is organised under the www.LIFEproETV project with the support of the ETV secretariat and co-hosted by EIT Manufacturing.

Event registration link: Registration

Agenda in PDF file

General Information Clause on Personal Data Protection in PDF file

Take-away points on our webinar “Let’s talk about ETV as tool for accelerating innovations for sustainable industrial processes”:

  • Third-party verification of performance under ETV ensures a better starting position for novel techniques for large scale industrial applications not applied yet for commercial scale.
  • The structure, scope and logic of ETV fits well into process of derivation of Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Emerging Techniques (ET) and corresponds to the innovation uptake challenge addressed in the revision of IED.
  • ETV may be considered as a tool supporting assessment of BAT candidates (e.g. those with single industrial scale applications).
  • Experiences from the Commission’s project on Innovation Observatory show the utility of ETV for the needs of identifying new technologies with potential to become ET, ETV could support determination of the TRL level.
  • Innovative techniques verified with ETV may be used directly during the BREFs elaboration/revision process. However, in order to increase number verifications financial sport for companies/organisations willing to verify their innovative techniques with ETV is needed. A reacher portfolio of technologies with performance verified under ETV means also a larger repository of potential Emerging Techniques for the BREF revision process and hopefully more real-life implementations.
  • Achieving of ambitious goals of Zero Pollution Action Plan regarding e.g. air quality, near zero waste options etc. will be challenging without increased application of innovative techniques with a proven performance.

Presentations of the webinar:

  • Welcome by LIFE ProETV coordinator; Izabela Ratman-Kłosińska, Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas [PDF]
  • EIT Manufacturing’s endeavours in the green transition of large industries; Blanca Chocarro, EIT Manufacturing [PDF]
  • Applying innovations to IED installations: Challenges and opportunities – an IED installation operator perspective; Piotr Czupryński, PGE Energia Ciepła S.A. [PDF]
  •  The challenge of providing innovative technologies and products with applications in IED installations – a technology provider perspective; Irene Ylla, Itram – Christenys España [PDF]
  • Environmental Technology Verification as provider of information on green innovations with proven performance; Izabela Ratman-Kłosińska, Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas [PDF]
  • EU policy framework – IED and its relationship with innovation and ETV; Martin Weiss, European Commission – DG Joint Research Centre [PDF]
  • Innovation Observatory as a Policy support tool to reduce industrial emissions; Alfredo López, Ricardo Energy and Environment [PDF]
  • EU policy framework – Zero Pollution Action Plan and ETV; Joachim D’Eugenio, European Commission – DG Environment [PDF]
  • Discussion session – Contribution of ETV to achieve IED and Zero Pollution Action Plan Goals; Rovena Preka, ENEA Italy [PDF]

Recording of the webinar:

28 October 2021

Presentation at ECOMONDO 2021: ETV as a tool to help environmental technologies enter the market. The LIFEproETV project.

On the date of 28th October 2021 the presentation “ETV as a tool to help environmental technologies enter the market. The LIFEproETV project” on LIFEproETV project will be presented by representatives of project partner ENEA.

The purpose of this presentation is to show the first results of the LIFEproETV project, with specific focus on the potential of ETV and its market acceptance and recognition opportunities. It summarizes the findings, defines the potential and proposes actions to move forward ETV, taking into account the findings of the ETV Pilot evaluation, the objectives set up for the development of the full-scale EU ETV Programme, as well as the extension context and the designed Roadmap.

New environmental technologies are essential to meet the target of Europe’s climate neutrality by 2050. The sustainable transition depicted in the European Green Deal is an opportunity for business to modernise and become more competitive. At the same time the European Green Deal poses a number of technological challenges to be addressed by new, green solutions. Despite an increasing demand for green innovations, their marketing still remains a challenge to developers and providers. The barriers encountered in the market entry of green innovations lead to missed opportunities for addressing the innovation challenge of sustainable transitions offered by these technologies. To eliminate this barrier, we need to promote and build strong market acceptance and recognition of tools that deliver sufficient and trustful proofs about the performance of green innovations and make the benefits of their application obvious to users. One of this tool is the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV). It is a voluntary environmental scheme dedicated to help new environmental technologies enter the market. It provides a third-party attestation that the claims referring to the performance of environmental technologies are true. The basis for the verification is quality assured and quality checked test data on technology performance. The scheme is open to treatment and monitoring technologies, new processes, products and services.

Link of the event:

29 September 2021

WEBINAR: Build Competitive Advantage For Your Green Innovation With EU ETV

On 29 September 2021, the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) programme will host an online webinar on ETV’s potential to help innovators, investors, and buyers improve their confidence in new environmental technologies through verification.

Entitled ‘Build competitive advantage for your green innovation with EU ETV’, the event will take place from 10:00 to 12:00 CEST. During the 2-hour webinar, you will learn how the EU ETV process works, how ETV supports EU and national-level policy, and be presented with a variety of case studies that showcase the benefits of EU ETV.

Webinar is open to technology developers, public and private sector buyers, testing bodies, and policymakers working with environmental technologies at both the EU and national level. There will be speakers from the European Commission, European Institute for Technology, LIFEproETV project as well as developers and buyers of environmental technologies who have participated in the programme.

Register now!

The webinar is co-hosted by the LIFEproETV project.

For direct contact or more information, please contact:

More details

28-30 April 2021

ETV (Environmental Technology Verification) on Ökoindustria 2021 Green Expo & Conference

The biggest event in Hungary on green industry was held on 28th – 30th April. KÖVET Association participated and exhibited at the virtual event. During the 3-day event there were 150 presenters, 4300 registered participants, 14000 stand visits and 70 exhibitors. On KÖVET’s virtual stand, among other projects, the LIFEproETV project was presented and promoted especially for innovative SMEs.

One of the keynote speakers, Ms. Joanna Drake, the Deputy Director-General of the European Commission Directorate-General for the Environment (DG Environment) shared her thoughts on circular economy, Green Deal and eco-design. Upon the KÖVET’s executive director, Katalin Herner’s question she confirmed that ETV is an important part of the toolkit for circular economy transition and DG Environment is working on the development of the ETV scheme. She added that ETV has a strong connection to eco-design and is able to provide specific and reliable information for consumers about environmental performance of technologies and products.

The award for the most innovative development was given to PLATIO (Innovatív Térburkolatfejlesztő Kft.) which is a Budapest-based green tech company focused on manufacturing sustainable building materials for pavements. Their product is the PLATIO Solar Pavement, a design paving solution that makes solar technology part of the modern architecture. By using recycled materials for its production and providing a new clean energy source for cities, buildings, homes and marinas, the PLATIO paves the way to a greener future.

The award for the most often visited exhibitor of the expo was given to ENVIROTIS Holding Zrt. They deal with industrial waste management and complex remediation of industrial areas in Hungary. They offer green, innovative solutions to ensure sustainable economy.

KÖVET Association establishes the contact with both of the above companies – as well as with the other innovative companies that participated in the Ökoindustria 2021 – as they are all potential ETV candidates.

14-16 December 2020

LIFEproETV presented at 1st International Conference: Strategies Toward Green Deal Implementation

On 14 December our project as presented during a session “Cooperation for Climate” at the 1st International Conference “Strategies Towards Green Deal Implementation” The conference was organised as an on-line event by the Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Poland and the National Centre for Research and Development.

The purpose of the 1st International Conference on Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation – Water and Raw Materials (ICGreenDeal2020) was to present the issue of climate change and ways to prevent it through innovative solutions (technological, environmental, economic, and social) that can be implemented under the Green Deal Strategies. ETV aims to advance sustainable solutions for the needs of Green Deal Strategies. Therefore the aim of our presentation was to raise awareness about ETV and our project as contributor to building a strong market recognition and acceptance for this tool in Europe.

Conference link:

Proceedings are available here:

19 November 2020

 LIFEproETV presented at LIFE projects coordinators kick-off meeting

The meeting created an opportunity to share information among coordinators of the newly awarded LIFE projects under Environment and Resource Efficiency Governance and Information Sub-Programme. LIFEproETV was presented under a Working Group  Resource Efficiency. The meeting provided a forum for networking and a chance to hearing about the latest EU policy developments relevant for circular economy and resource efficiency.

14-16 September 2020

LIFEproETV project kick off meeting (on-line)

LIFEproETV beneficiaries convene for a first project meeting. Due to COVID situation our team is not able to meet face to face. Therefore with sessions split into 3 days we will be discussing the implementation of our project and trying to learn each other better on-line.


Izabela Ratman – Kłosińska
LIFEproETV Coordinator
Institute for Ecology of
Industrial Areas, Katowice, Poland

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s LIFE Programme and is co-financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, Poland and the Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary