EIT RawMaterials, EIT Digital, EIT Climate KIC, EIT Food, EIT Manufacturing and EIT UrbanMobility have created a Cross-KIC action to strengthen the collaboration of internal and external activities related to the Circular Economy:
- Cross-KIC Call on Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)
Funding will be provided to cover the costs of activities necessary to go through the Verification process. The call is for any individual partner of participating KICs (EIT RawMaterials, EIT Climate KIC, EIT Food, EIT Manufacturing and EIT UrbanMobility) with a technology that has been supported in any ongoing or finished Innovation project. The technology must be of TRL 7-9 included in Water treatment and monitoring, Materials, waste and resources or Energy. This call is also open to start-ups supported by any of the participating KICs.
A webinar defining main aspects of the call and ETV requirements will be organised on 29 April from 10:30 to 12:00.
The webinar will include a presentation of the Cross-KIC Circular Economy project and call description, a detailed presentation of ETV main requirements and finally a presentation of the new ETV Secretariat; the webinar will also include a specific final session for questions.
- Cross-KIC Call on Circular SMEs
The six KICs involved in this Cross-KIC initiative are a diverse set of publicly and privately funded bodies uniquely positioned to tackle the barriers for the circular economy adoption by SMEs. The overall aim of this call is to enable the joint competencies and capacities of the KICs to help solve a more systemic circularity in an orchestrated effort as well as possible specific approaches towards circularity in SMEs.
More details on each Call and application form available here: https://eitrawmaterials.eu/eit-community-launches-cross-kic-circular-economy-calls/