LIFEproETV at Planet Budapest 2021

LIFEproETV project was presented at the Planet Budapest 2021 Sustainability Expo and Summit which was held from 29 November to 5 December, 2021 in Budapest. It was a joint event of the Visegrád Countries on sustainable development and innovations. It aimed to raise awareness of adverse environmental, social and economic practices among the general public, especially young people, and to show that the exhibitors have innovation technologies as real solutions to the present challenges in the fields of waste management, water treatment and monitoring etc.

At the Expo, 183 organisations promoted their innovation technologies in ETV technology areas like soil and groundwater monitoring and remediation, air pollution monitoring and abatement, water treatment and monitoring, materials, waste and resources and energy technologies.

KÖVET Association for Sustainable Economies presented LIFEproETV project among other programmes and projects in which they are involved during B2B discussions. The ETV scheme and its advantages were presented to a number of companies, both from Hungary, and from other V4 countries, which were interested and eager to receive further information about the verification scheme and upcoming LIFEproETV project events. KÖVET also counted the event’s carbon footprint and certified the Expo according to the criteria of Green Event certification system.

Upcoming: webinar on ETV and its advantages, save the date for the 22 February, 2022.