ETV at the ‘Present and Future of Environmental Technologies’ Conference in Hungary

Hungary can see the importance of innovation in green transition as László Tibor Zoltán, under-secretary of state at the Ministry for Agriculture, put it in his opening speech. The topic of the conference, held in Budapest on 11 November, was twofold: innovation in the field of environmental technologies and products and the corresponding funding schemes. Presentations were held on EMAS, ETV, EcoLabels, micro-plastic and the different funds available. ETV provides a great opportunity for Hungary as there are already a great number of innovative environmental technologies and now they can be quality assured and verified according to a scheme governed by the European Commission. The ETV presentation was part of the morning session and also of one of the afternoon round table discussion sessions. At the afternoon session the synergies of ETV and EMAS were highlighted and interest was expressed from the part of some companies.

Among the participants – about 50 in the morning and 60 in the afternoon – also decision makers of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology and for Agriculture were present.

In Hungary KÖVET Association for Sustainable Economies is responsible for the implementation of the LIFEproETV project (

For more information about the project in Hungarian, please visit our Hungarian project website: