PANEL SESSION 4 – Building collaborative stakeholders frameworks for ETV: the way forward


15:15 – 16:30 Panel session 4 – Building collaborative stakeholders frameworks for ETV: the way forward
Session description:
Boosting ETV market acceptance and recognition of ETV requires involvement of stakeholders and key marketplace actors and a collaborative institutional framework. It is particularly true at a national and regional level, where ETV could add a value as a part of innovation ecosystem and/or as a policy support tool. During the session we want to address how to build such frameworks and who should be involved in order to set a way forward with a full-fledged EU ETV Programme with an extended geographical and technology scope.
Session objective:
The session aims at discussing who are the key ETV stakeholders ensuring ETV market push and pull and how to build mutually supportive frameworks involving different stakeholders at EU, national and regional level to maximise the utility of ETV. It is also to present the opportunities and potential of the scheme to the countries currently not participating in ETV to encourage them how to get involved in the programme with success
Questions to be addressed:
Who are the main ETV actors of EU ETV programme at EU and national level, how they are organised and the changes to come , what are the contact points , intermediary, organisations, how they can get more info/ support (e.g French ETV support programme)
What to focus the effort on at EU and national level,

  • ETV stakeholders: ETV customers and technology enablers roles and expectations
  • How to make ETV a part of EU and national innovation ecosystems
  • ETV frameworks at national/regional level: synergies that maximise the impact and ETV business case
  • ETV Supporting national/regional frameworks : clusters , innovation partnerships, ETV Knowledge centers, KICs , business support organisations
15:15 – 15:25 Setting the scene: Building mutually supportive frameworks for ETV market acceptance and recognition: conclusions from LIFEproETV

  • Estelle Ellizagoien  – Policy Officer, DG ENVIRONMENT, European Commission
    Presentation [PDF]
  • Izabela Ratman-Kłosińska – LIFEproETV coordinator, Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas
    Presentation [PDF]
15:25 – 16:20 Panel discussion:

  • Mohini Keunen – Thematic Group Sustainability Chair, Europe Enterprise Network NL
  • Piotr Dowżenko – Director of the Department of Innovation of Polish National Environmental Protection Fund Poland, NFOŚiGW
  • Giulia Dramis – Climate and energy officer in the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition and Head of the Technical Secretariat of the National  Competent Authority for Emissions Trading Scheme, Ministry of the Ecological Transition, Italy
  • Durk Krol – Executive Director, WaterEurope
16:20 – 16:30 Q&A session / interactive session

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